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Benutzerbild von Lithdk
Status: Offline
Beiträge: 9
Registriert seit: 09.06.2013
Standard 09.06.2013, 21:31

So if I complain about the sound of putting on/off silencer will you tell people to stop? No. You dont have any interest in the "one player". If I said "alright, I'll find another server then" you wouldnt care about me, "the one player".

No, the creation and enforcing of this flashlight rule is solely subjective and only enforced because it affects people you are friends with, or have some sort of social relationshop with. To be honest, people I wouldn't have on my server if I were you. 14 year olds who do nothing but yell noob at everyone, flaming people, insulting people and breaking rules whenever admins are not online.

Terrorkom is a pretty big operation, with lots of servers and players to boot. If they allow their admins, who are enforcers, to make decisions that only affect people they do not like, what wont it do to their already damaged reputation. I can come up with multiple examples of admins bending the rules in their own favor, and if I scroll through my console log right now I will have a few already.

What is the point of having any rules if the admins ignore them, only choose to enforce them when they think it's just or they make up their own? Think about that for a second.

It is not that I don't like listening to the admins, but if the admins are not following the servers own rules are they really the ones to enforce them?
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